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dc.contributor.authorEspinosa Espinosa, Mélida Alexandra-
dc.identifier.citationEspinosa Espinosa, Mélida Alexandra. (2024). The Influence of Peer Assessment on Writing Progress in B1-Level English Students. Presented as Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of Magíster en Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros con Mención en la Enseñanza de Inglés. Universidad Casa Grande. Departamento de Posgrado, Guayaquil. 23 p.es_EC
dc.description.abstractWriting is a skill that English as a second language learners (ESL) must master to communicate their ideas and thoughts (Leki, 2001). As Saravanan et al. (2021) pointed out, “Writing is a way to deliver ideas, experiences and feeling into written form” However, acquiring this skill takes time and practice, which can be difficult for ESL learners who face additional obstacles to understanding the language. According to Nunan (1999), producing a well-organized, fluent, and lengthy written composition is the most difficult task in the process of learning a new language. Observations conducted for this study at a Catholic high school in Azuay Province, Ecuador, Bachillerato III students report in conversations having poor writing skills. When trying to write, they faced several common challenges including a limited vocabulary, grammatical errors, problems with sentence structures, difficulty expressing creativity, and a tendency to rely on the sentence structure of their first language (L1). As highlighted by Foroutan et al. (2013) and referenced in Saravanan et al. (2021), ESL students find it hard to learn new words, use language correctly, and write sentences. Additional factors contributing to challenges in academic writing include interference from one's first language (L1), a lack of substantial ideas, and unclear task instructions (Chou, 2016). These elements impacted their writing proficiency and made it more difficult to express their ideas and views. Peer assessment allows students to improve their writing skills by receiving feedback from their peers. Through this procedure, students are able to evaluate each other's work and help identify areas that need improvement. As stated by McDonald (2015), peer evaluation supports students in developing increased self-awareness, productivity, autonomy, collaboration, and communication skills. Similarly, Topping (1998) asserted that peer assessment can have a positive impact on student learning outcomes by increasing engagement and motivation, improving writing skills, and promoting the development of critical thinking and analytical skills. Aligned with Yousafzai's perspective in 2024, asserting that engaging in the evaluation of their peers enables learners to enhance their comprehension of the material and cultivate an appreciation for the significance of diversity among them. Finally, peer-assessment engages students in an active process instead of being passive actors into their learning process (Alzaid, 2017).es_EC
dc.format.extent23 p.es_EC
dc.publisherUniversidad Casa Grande. Departamento de Posgradoes_EC
dc.titleThe Influence of Peer Assessment on Writing Progress in B1-Level English Studentses_EC
dc.contributor.tutorRamírez Ávila, María Rossana-
dc.description.degreeMagíster en Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros con Mención en la Enseñanza de Ingléses_EC
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría en Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros con Mención en la Enseñanza de Inglés

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