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dc.contributor.authorHenriques Montenegro, David Arturo-
dc.identifier.citationHenriques Montenegro, David Arturo. (2024). The Use of Self-Assessment in the Development of the Speaking Skill. Research Report. Presented as Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of Magíster en Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros con Mención en la Enseñanza de Inglés. Universidad Casa Grande. Departamento de Posgrado, Guayaquil. 21 p.es_EC
dc.descriptionAs globalization expands through different countries, language barriers start to collapse, and one of the most common languages in the business world today is English. Therefore, students have the need to graduate with minimum requirements in English according to the CEFR standard to continue their educational development abroad. The education system has improved in Ecuador, and students seek new boundaries of education. The United States of America is the country which most students select to continue their studies. Improving their communication skills is fundamental in their educational development, and schools should provide all the required tools to continue their journey. The Asamblea Constituyente de Montecristi (2008) on Ecuadorian Constitution, art. 26 says: “Education is a right of all the people during their life and a duty of the state.” (p. 4). Each institution whether being a school, university, and so on, has the obligation to achieve this goal. The reality of the fact is that the required level for studying abroad is B2 in the CEFR and most students do not achieve the minimum requirements for postulating in foreign universities. Throughout 19 years of career as an English teacher, and present classes, the issue that most of the students go through is the lack of participation in class lessons, therefore they do not have enough contact with the language. Students do not take advantage of the English program because of distinct reasons such as lack of motivation or shyness and because of that students do not reach their maximum potential. As a teacher, in my experience, class participation is limited to 15% of the class and that percentage of the class is usually the students with better grades and language productiones_EC
dc.format.extent21 p.es_EC
dc.publisherUniversidad Casa Grande. Departamento de Posgradoes_EC
dc.titleThe Use of Self-Assessment in the Development of the Speaking Skilles_EC
dc.contributor.coordinatorRamírez Ávila, María Rossana-
dc.contributor.tutorJardel Coutinho dos Santos-
dc.description.degreeMagíster en Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros con Mención en la Enseñanza de Ingléses_EC
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría en Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros con Mención en la Enseñanza de Inglés

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