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Título : Re-conceptualizing the International System: The Need for nsa Inclusion in the International Human Rights Regime
Autor: Balda Aspiazu, Andrea
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Abstract: The growing role of nonstate actors in an international system that was created to deal mainly with state and not entities has allowed these actors considerable freedom from the accountability of their actions, especially in the realm of human rights. Both International Relations theory and International Law need to deal in an interdisciplinary manner to close this loophole in order to at least offer an incentive for nonstate actors to avoid further violations of human rights and humanitarian law in the future.
URI - Direccion electronica alterna: https://revistas.usal.es/cuatro/index.php/ais/article/view/16884/17494
Tipo: Article
Nota de version: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca - TRIBUNA DE ACTUALIDAD Vol. 5, 129-161Junio 2017 eISSN: 2340-5155
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Académicos UCG

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