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Título : Classifying vocabulary in Google Sheets to improve word recognition and reading comprehension in EFL learners: an action research study
Autor: Almache Granda, Gabriela Katherine
Ramírez, María Rossana
Fecha de publicación : 2020
Abstract: University students had problems understanding texts. This study aimed at analyzing the effects of classifying vocabulary into parts of speech through Google Sheets to improve students’ word recognition and its incidence in reading comprehension. It analyzes the students’ perspectives on learning vocabulary. Method: The study used an action research method, pre-post surveys, and pre-post tests were applied. Results: The findings proved that classifying “parts of speech” facilitated the improvement of reading comprehension skills, with an effect size of d=0.81. Second, it confirmed that knowing vocabulary form raises students’ awareness to identify and classify words correctly. Third, the application of the study changed positively participants’ perspectives regarding learning vocabulary. Conclusion: Therefore, due to Ecuadorian learners’ need in training and to the little literature about parts of speech, the positive results of this action research can be a venue to reduce those gaps.
URI - Direccion electronica alterna: https://revistas.ufpr.br/atoz/article/view/73526/41623
Tipo: Article
Nota de version: Revista – Revista AtoZ novas práticas em informação e conhecimento. Vol 9 N°2.
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Académicos UCG

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