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Título : Segmentation of food market visitors in World Heritage Sites. Case study of the city of Córdoba (Spain)
Autor: Pérez Gálvez, Jesús Claudio
Medina Viruel, Miguel Jesús
Jara Alba, Carol Angélica
López-Guzman, Tomás
Fecha de publicación : 2020
Abstract: This paper aims to contribute to the scientific literature in the field of hospitality regarding the relationship between gastronomy and tourism through the experience described by tourists who visit a food market, specifically the ´Los Patios de la Marquesá food market in Córdoba (Spain), a registered World Heritage Site. The methodology used in this research was based on a survey sample of tourists that visited the food market. The results show evidence of the different segments of tourists in relation to their attitude towards local gastronomy (known as survivors, enjoyers, and experiencers). In addition, it is concluded that there are significant differences in the culinary motivations of visitors regarding the local gastronomy of a destination.
URI - Direccion electronica alterna: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/citedby/10.1080/13683500.2020.1769570?scroll=top&needAccess=true
Tipo: Article
Nota de version: Revista – Current Issues in Tourism. Vol 24 (8) Pág. 1139-1153
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Académicos UCG

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